The Books
Our lives are the results of our beliefs. Our beliefs come from our thoughts. Therefore, the easiest way to change our lives is to change our thoughts. Think different thoughts and you'll live a different life. The ultimate goal of a Brian Anderson-Payne book is to positively transform your life by renewing your mind. Inspiration, education, and entertainment.
The Music Of The Message
Our lives are the results of our beliefs. Our beliefs come from our thoughts. Therefore, the easiest way to change our lives is to change our thoughts. Think different thoughts and you'll live a different life. The ultimate goal of a Brian Anderson-Payne book is to positively transform your life by renewing your mind. Inspiration, education, and entertainment.
Failure Ain't Final!
The fact is, at times, we all fail. What distinguishes one from another isn't the absence of failure but the response to it. We all want to know that formula to recover or at least the words to share with those who need them. Failure Ain't Final! gives a positive but truthful antidote of personal responsibility, encouragement and biblical restoration. Truthfully, the ups and downs of life haven't taken anything away from you. They've simply provided you with the necessary tools to face and to overcome obstacles of any kind.
I Already Have It All!
ISBN: 978-0-9835083-0-4
God, the creator of everything living, is still the responsible caregiver and shepherd of sheep. The gift of life every day shows this. We are all equipped to proactively establish our own successful and happy life. Changes are, the things you've spent your entire life searching for were always with you, helping you search.